Government has gradually toughened up the regulations and punishments on car-hailing se...
Government has gradually toughened up the regulations and punishments on car-hailing se...
Cui Yongyuan's aggressive acts and bold comments has invited much trouble. 他的粗心可能招致批评 H...
Success should not be gauged by mere wealth or fame. 造句 这个指数将会是政府工作经济活动的评判标准 The index ...
造句 Experienced writers always factor in their aim of writing and target audience. 造句他在其...
@桂灰灰 管用的。真是一本好书哈哈。
爱上读书,leave your mark on the world一直以来,都觉得可以读完原著是一件特别高大上的事情,奈何学习英语这么多年,读完的英文原著屈指可数,而且也就停留在读过就忘的水平,在我脑袋里留下来的可能就剩下一点点书的内容还有...
The ending of the movie left many audiences' eyes welled up with tears. 情景 The turblenc...
His desicion can be justified from economic point of view, but can hardly be morally ju...
No mattet how many difficulties there are ,true love always prevail. 情景,他很难被说服 He is a ...
读了俩天已经感觉学到了很多很多的东西,就小小复盘一下。 首先说一下感受吧,文章一开始就是描述Elio回想起自己第一次见到Oliver的场景,Oliver帅气逼人的模样哈哈。E...
life priorities vary in different life stages. 造句改变自己的饮食习惯 You can't only eat vegetable...
9月份对我来说是一个非常神奇的月份,来到了自己心爱学校读书,开始自己的新生活,同时我感觉自己最开心的事就是自己的英语学习,重新找到了方向和动力。 在很久之前,其实就是关注Er...
what troubles second-tier cities most is the shortage of talents. 造句 骚乱动乱 public unrest...
Technology has upended the publishing industry. 造句滴滴打车快要被最近一系列性丑闻推翻了 The cooperation of...
造句 Less homework and more feedback would help. 情景 悲伤的时候,安慰是很大的帮助 Your consolation helps...
造句 For advanced English learners , one word a day doesn't suffice. 情景 练肌肉光锻炼是不够的 To bui...
造句 Mid-autumn festival remains one of the most celebrated festival holidays in China. 场...
This consumer products company has shifted its strategy from demestic markrts to abroad...
1.Many people believe that languages we speak can shape our way to think. 2.情景原生家庭的环境对一...