The convenice brought by Artificial intelligence has been much heralded in recent years...
As the quota concludes that the most significant thing before chopping a tress is to sh...
it' s not too much of a stretch to say that good habits pave the way to success. Howeve...
None of us can go a day without respect to others in anywhere , anytime.“Respect others...
Thanks to the sweeping change of business model brought by globalization and technologi...
“Knowledge is a treasure ,but practice is the key to it” is proverb vividly illustratin...
A family get together for dinner. All of them sitting around while their eyes fixing on...
A boy setting seriously in front of a laptop,anguishing which curriculum he should take...
Two pictures above depict two approaches of education. The left one,a father requests h...
Two pictures above depict two approaches of education. The left one,a father requests h...
On a crowded bus,many physically strong young people sitting on the seats pretending do...
A initiative has called on giving full play to the untility (充分发挥效能) of AI due to outs...
在知乎上看到一条回答说“要成为一名作家需要看多少书” 作家的阅读量积淀远非读者能够想象! 其中光是外文典籍著作起码要二百本起步,关于中国的名家典籍那就更不用说了,五百本甚至上...
文/友不旧 01 如果让你在脑海里想象一个32岁女人的样子。你能想到什么? 在我脑海里,是这样的: 她应该已经结婚有段时间了。 不复当年少女的模样,不会穿鲜艳的短裙,不再会贴...