作者:Eileen Caddy 翻譯:熊倩涵 編輯:顏士寶 When you are willing to surrender your all to Me and hold...

作者:Eileen Caddy 翻譯:熊倩涵 編輯:顏士寶 When you are willing to surrender your all to Me and hold...
作者:Eileen Caddy 翻譯:熊倩涵 編輯:顏士寶 The secret of making anything work is to want to make it ...
作者:Eileen Caddy 翻譯:熊倩涵 編輯:顏士寶 Love is in the air. Feel the warmth of it, the joy of it,...
作者:Eileen Caddy 翻譯:熊倩涵 編輯:顏士寶 Draw from the infinite source of power and strength withi...
作者:Eileen Caddy 翻譯:熊倩涵 編輯:顏士寶 Awake refreshed and renewed, expecting the very best from...
作者:Eileen Caddy 翻譯:熊倩涵 編輯:顏士寶 The new heaven and new earth are here now. It is simply a...
作者:Eileen Caddy 翻譯:熊倩涵 編輯:顏士寶 When you are given responsibilities to carry, shoulder th...
作者:Eileen Caddy 翻譯:熊倩涵 編輯:顏士寶 To live a spiritual life does not mean you are deprived o...
作者:Eileen Caddy 翻譯:熊倩涵 編輯:顏士寶 As you follow My laws and obey them, your life becomes ri...