【问题解答】 如果有人滔滔不绝,如何有礼貌地打断:认真倾听,当对方快走到结论的时候,给到对方时间;当对方说得很散的时候,认真听的前提下有礼貌地提问:所以你从中学到了什么?这个...
【正面管教的四要素】 活动:大蓝本P29 ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️ 【错误目的表】 ✅第一步,让大家回忆什么情况下孩子让我们觉得心烦?✡️...
【上方卡】 ✅第一步:老师讲四个包裹的故事,我们会选择先退回那一个包裹呢? ✅第二步:按人的四个类型分四个组,讨论优势和劣势、一句口号代表自己(并且写下答案) ✅第三步:小组...
【活动:三列表】大蓝本P218:“我的现状和我的期待”这个活动是我们所有家长课一开始,一定会做的。 ✅第一步,老师提问:想想我们在养育孩子面临的问题?(纪律委员写下来) ✅第...
时间:2018.11.2-2018.11.4 地点:软件园二期 【欢迎词】 ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️ 【课程介绍】 Dodie老师介绍 ❤...
今天朗读的内容是《管理的常识》第三章,什么是组织结构: 一、组织结构的定义是:让权利和责任的关系匹配。组织结构的管理实际上围绕着责任展开。 二、组织结构的特性是:稳定性、变化...
Let's be Patient as we wait for those who need to choose what is good and well.
"A seed hidden in the heart of an apple is an orchard invisible. Yet should that seed f...
"Opportunity lies in the place where the complaints are." Jack Ma
This is true for time as well - tell your time where to go and Make Magic!
Sometimes it is just easier to try and put the blame at someone else's feet. That way I...
We need to be honest with ourselves: understanding our strengths & weaknesses, always w...
Every day I try to leave behind a little bit of my old self ... and as I do, I see the ...
Here's an 'ABC' for anyone who wants to succeed: Attitude, Behavior, Communication. Get...
"Energy flows where attention goes." Put your attention on 'growth' and your energy wil...
Everything accumulates. 10 minutes a day becomes 3650 minutes in a year - that's 60 hou...
When we all have high expectations from our 'self', we Make Magic Together . I expect t...
We're talking about 'The 9 Essentials if Collaboration'. Let's grow. Let's Live Well. L...