一、零散点 1. 咖啡氧化会分解出比花生氧化更可怕的黄曲霉素(对人体有害) 2. 全球咖啡时尚,从第一波咖啡速食化(特点:天天要喝咖啡) 到第二波咖啡精品化( 特点:星巴克引...
一、零散点 1. 咖啡氧化会分解出比花生氧化更可怕的黄曲霉素(对人体有害) 2. 全球咖啡时尚,从第一波咖啡速食化(特点:天天要喝咖啡) 到第二波咖啡精品化( 特点:星巴克引...
1) 翻译:他的傲慢与固执将注定他会走向失败。 His arrogance and obstinacy will put him on a slippery slope to...
1) 翻译:很多落后地区的年轻人依然渴望优质的教育。 Many young people from areas underserved are still eager to...
1) 翻译:乔布斯经常穿他的招牌黑色高领衫、蓝色牛仔裤和 New Balance 运动鞋。 Steve Jobs always wore his trademark blac...
1) 翻译:为了扩大影响力,他写了本书。 He wrote a book to increase his clout. 2) The two firms wield enor...
1) 翻译:丑闻曝出后,股价急剧下跌。 The scandal sent share prices into a tailspin. 2) The bad economy s...
1) 翻译:这笔价值 3000 万美元的投资将会促使这个创业公司发展得更好。 The investment of 30 million dollars will give t...
1) 翻译:我们从这个 TED 演讲中可以学到的是,要想获得成功,得学会先帮助别人。 The moral of the TED talk is that to succeed...
1) 翻译:一个律师的任务就是用自己的专业技能帮助客户避开法律中的坑。 A lawyer's job is to use his expertise to help his ...
1) 翻译:美国大学让全世界羡慕不已。 American universities are the envy of the world. 2) The music and s...
1) 翻译:是那次德国之旅让她接触到了德语。 It was the tour of Germany that gave her exposure to German. 2)T...
1) 翻译:失业率的持续增加可能会引发社会动荡。 The continuous rise in the unemployment rate may prompt social...
1) 翻译:价钱取决于你买多买少。 How much it costs is determined by how much you buy. 2) 场景:我们是否能去最终取决...
1) 翻译:以我多年专业经验判断,她能够胜任这份工作。 Judging from my professional experience, she will be compet...
1) 翻译:许多中国家长非常重视奥数比赛。 The International Mathematical Olympiad, a competition for high s...
1) 翻译:有些家常菜可以和米其林星级餐厅的佳肴媲美。 Some home-cooked dishes can rival the cuisine served at a M...
1) 翻译:John 上周末才考完雅思,我还不知道他考的怎么样。 I wonder how John fared in his IELTS last weekend. It ...
1) 翻译:因为书单异常晦涩,只有一半的人完成了阅读作业。 Only half the students completed the reading assignment b...
1) 翻译:对很难专注的用户来说,这款强大的应用可以极大地提高工作效率。 This powerful app will greatly boost productivity ...
1) 翻译:如果这次司法考试如果不及格,就会影响到她的职业前景。 Failing the law exam could potentially jeopardize her ...