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  • 这监考老师我也想要


    -1- 申请参加四六级监考并不难,只需同时满足两个条件:一、在校研究生;二,未报名此次四六级考试。 而第二个条件,却卡住了不少人。 六级没过的室友大五愤愤然仰天长叹:“没天理...

  • 11.30

    Their piercing whiteness is of brief duration. Soon the marshmallow rims flatten to anv...

  • 11.29

    It(the heavy air) hangs over the trees, presses the heads of the flowers to the ground,...

  • 29


  • 11.28

    A:你的新老板怎么样? B:她人很好,思想也很开明。 A:比上一个好多了,是吧? B:是的,上一个真是个奴隶主,他简直把我们当机器人了。 A:忘了他吧,今晚到我家来,咱们一醉...

  • 11.24

    Relieved that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry as I told her what had happened...

  • 11.23

    I didn't tell my mother what had happened when I went home for lunch that day. But she...

  • 11.21

    One lunchtime when I was in the third grade will stay with me always. I had been picked...

  • 11.22

    Finally,myteachertookmeaside. Sheexplainedthatshehadwrittenanarrator'sparttotheplay,and...

  • 我觉得卸载简书来的 等寒假的时候再看 希望到时候你可以更新完🍖🍖🍖


    我今晚用两个小时写了五千字两章的内容,然后,剧情有点儿超出老夫的预料和掌控,如果,我想说,我想歇息两日,你们会同意吗? 坐等评论。

  • 11.18

    经典美文 The evening of the concert Mom wore glittery earrings and more makeup than I could...

  • 11.16

    只有音乐可以使爸爸陶醉,忘却他那个近视工具和活计的天地。星期天只要一开车,他便打开收音机。遇见红灯,就见他的脚及时地轻轻打起拍子。他好像不放过每一个音符。 A: Do you...

  • 11.17

    Gradually, to my surprise, I was able to string notes together and coordinate my hands ...