Scoped Beans as Dependencies The Spring IoC container manages not only the instantiatio...

Scoped Beans as Dependencies The Spring IoC container manages not only the instantiatio...
Singleton Beans with Prototype-bean Dependencies 具有原型bean依赖关系的单例bean When you use singl...
1.5. Bean Scopes Bean作用域 When you create a bean definition, you create a recipe for cre...
1.4.6. Method Injection 方法注入 In most application scenarios, most beans in the container...
Autowiring Collaborators 自动装配合作者 The Spring container can autowire relationships betwee...
Using depends-on If a bean is a dependency of another bean, that usually means that one...
Null and Empty String Values 空字符串值 Spring treats empty arguments for properties and the...
References to Other Beans (Collaborators) 对其他bean的引用(协作者) The ref element is the final ...
Dependencies and Configuration in Detail 详细的依赖关系和配置 As mentioned in the previous sectio...
Setter-based Dependency Injection 基于Setter的依赖注入 Setter-based DI is accomplished by the ...
1.4. Dependencies 依赖关系 A typical enterprise application does not consist of a single ob...
1.3.2. Instantiating Beans 实例化bean A bean definition is essentially a recipe for creati...
(上一篇内容篇幅过多,阅读理解起来比较费力,今后细分小节,形成小篇幅阅读) 1.3 Bean Overview (Bean概述)BeanDefinition A Spring...
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