在《创造的儿童教育》一文中,就如何解放儿童的创造力,陶行知先生提出了五大方面的见解,即:解放小孩子的头脑、双手、嘴、空间和时间,读来发人深省。 (一)解放小孩...

在《创造的儿童教育》一文中,就如何解放儿童的创造力,陶行知先生提出了五大方面的见解,即:解放小孩子的头脑、双手、嘴、空间和时间,读来发人深省。 (一)解放小孩...
高中的时候芳芳和她女儿去万达买东西,还在The Green Party给我买了头绳(虽然当时头发太短扎不起来),还有大冬天看我嘴巴干裂,给我买了润唇膏,芳芳真的好好,我好爱芳芳😭
前几天晚饭期间,有一个学生冲进办公室,想跟一个老师干架,被另外一个老师拦了下来,我回办公室的时候只看到了拦人的老师和那个学生在走廊外面谈心,学生一直在哭。 后来听B老...
白老师:听说今年考了五百九十多分都选不了好学校 我:? (跑操集合的音乐响了) 司马老师:今天还要跑操,这不是要命? 昨天晚上快下晚三的时候开溜,去一楼洗手,在镜子里看到...
▍今日一句 Our torments also may in length of time Become our elements. — The paradise Lost,...
▍今日一句 The foreignness of what you no longer are or no longer possess lies in wait for y...
▍今日一句 When I had journeyed half of our life's way, I found myself within a shadowed for...
▍今日一句 Human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to...
▍今日一句 Where the north wind meets the sea There's a mother full of memory Come, my darli...
▍今日一句 The calling of art is to extract us from our daily reality, to bring us to a hidd...
▍今日一句 Thus we never see the true state of our condition till it is illustrated to us by...
▍今日一句 In summer, the song sings itself. —The Botticellian Trees, Poet, William Carlos W...
▍今日一句 Delight it is in youth and May To see the morn arise, And more delight to look al...
▍今日一句 I was surprised, as always, by how easy the act of leaving was, and how good it f...
▍今日一句 'The doctors found out that Bunbury could not live, that is what I mean — so Bunb...
▍今日一句 Temperance and work are the two true doctors of man. Work sharpens his appetite, ...
▍今日一句 A man sometimes devotes his life to a desire which he is not sure will ever be fu...
▍今日一句 The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the...