针对艾伯塔(Alberta)省每四年一度的省政府、立法会议换届的角逐正逐渐升温。早先前联邦议员及部长贾森·康尼(Jason Kenney)动议合并了阿省进步保守党(Progr...

针对艾伯塔(Alberta)省每四年一度的省政府、立法会议换届的角逐正逐渐升温。早先前联邦议员及部长贾森·康尼(Jason Kenney)动议合并了阿省进步保守党(Progr...
Dear Friend, you have done an excellent job: put a lot of thinking and effort into introducing the AP and Stephen Mandel. It has provided much historical background and bigger context. It is significant that it is from Calgary’s Chinese community and it means Mandel and AP is picking up steam beyond Edmonton. I would like to get in touch with you. Thank you!
向卡城、阿省华人的呼吁:加入艾伯塔党,选举史蒂芬·曼德尔先生为党领袖!针对艾伯塔(Alberta)省每四年一度的省政府、立法会议换届的角逐正逐渐升温。早先前联邦议员及部长贾森·康尼(Jason Kenney)动议合并了阿省进步保守党(Progr...