今天又是充实的一天, 天气有点冷。闹钟声音把我从梦里带了出来,迷迷糊糊的还没睡醒,就听到军训团开始集合准备训练了,随着也跟着起来了,洗漱完就去食堂吃早饭。看到食堂里面站满了“...
今天又是充实的一天, 天气有点冷。闹钟声音把我从梦里带了出来,迷迷糊糊的还没睡醒,就听到军训团开始集合准备训练了,随着也跟着起来了,洗漱完就去食堂吃早饭。看到食堂里面站满了“...
I could't quite get your meaning. But, keep on writing anyway!
Be authentic, be modest, be respect. when the dust settles bite the dust = to die / to ...
笔记目录 Level3 Unit1 Part1 An Unusual Day & Bus Schedule Level3 Unit1 Part1 -Meeting at th...
Hotel Complaint 酒店投诉 Good evening, sir.晚上好,先生。 How can I help you?我能帮你什么忙吗? Yes, we jus...
Career Building职业建筑 Employees are the people who work for a company.员工是为公司工作的人。 Some em...
Election & Voting选举和投票 Hey, have you decided how you're going to vote?嘿,你决定怎么投票了吗? No, ...
Job Satisfaction Factors This next graph shows how various factors compare in importanc...
Time Distribution Look at these two pie graphs.看这两个饼图。 They show how these two people s...
A Video Project 1 Congratulations Lisa!恭喜Lisa! Congratulations for what?恭喜你为了什么? We jus...
Personality Types Emotional people often show their feelings and have a bad temper.情绪化的...
Economic Terms Income is money received for a work or from investments.收入是工作或投资所得的钱。 Fo...