2010 Text2 Q26 & Q30 第一段 Over the past decade, thousands of patents have been granted f...

2010 Text2 Q26 & Q30 第一段 Over the past decade, thousands of patents have been granted f...
第四段 Unfortunately, these critics are virtually实际上 forgotten. 不幸的是,这些批评者几乎被遗忘了。 Neville ...
修改中:逐句修改 习作誊写: 日期 December 22nd, 2018 称呼 Dear parents, 第一段 [S1] I am writing to express...
read adj. 博学的,有学问的 calling |ˈkɔ:lɪŋ| n. 【正式】职业,事业;使命感 再补充几个和end相关的习语 keep one's end up ...
昨天居然忙忘了这么重要一件事情,害得我昨天晚上好久都没睡着,冥冥中仿佛在提醒我还有重要的事情没有做。所以今日先补昨日的,发现自己打卡越来越随心所欲了,怎样简单怎样来, 以前还...
Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers during the past...
第六段Intellect, according to Hofstadter, is different from native intelligence, a quality...
第一段 Portrayed in the cartoon is an instructive scene that two men, facing the same “cat...
56. 【大众观点】 What do American parents expect their children to acquire in school? [C] Pra...
第二段【S1】 “Schools have always been in a society where practical is more important than i...
“Intellect is resented as a form of power or privilege,” writes historian and professor...
2004 Text 4 Para. 3 But they could and should be. Encouraging kids to reject the life o...
“Schools have always been in a society where practical is more important than intellect...
2004 Text 4 Para. 1 Q56Americans today don’t place a very high value on intellect. Our ...
很多成年人都抱怨,要是我读书的时候怎么样,那么我的英语就不会那么差了。 要是我以前好好背单词,那么现在词汇量就不会那么小了。 要是我以前好好练习音标,那么我的发音就不会那么难...
第一段 【S1】The column chart provides us the general information about the changes of marke...
At the end of the day, there’s probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at...
And this process need not be left to the unconscious. Cartwright believes one can exerc...
The link between dreams and emotions shows up among the patients in Cartwright’s clinic...