Ten Hegel’s Theory of the State(2) 第十章黑格尔的国家理论(2) THE ORGANIC STATE 有机国家 Hegel’s accoun...

Ten Hegel’s Theory of the State(2) 第十章黑格尔的国家理论(2) THE ORGANIC STATE 有机国家 Hegel’s accoun...
Ten Hegel’s Theory of the State(1) 第十章黑格尔的国家理论(1) HEGEL’S POLITICAL PROJECT 黑格尔的政治规划 In...
Nine Freedom and the Foundation of Right(2) 第九章自由与权利的基础(2) THE FOUNDATION OF LAW 法律的基础 ...
Part Four Social and Political Philosophy Nine Freedom and the Foundation of Right(1) 第...
Eight Solipsism and Intersubjectivity 第八章唯我论和主体间性 THE SPECTER OF NIHILISM 虚无主义的幽灵 Of al...
Seven The Dialectic 第七章辩证法 A CRITICAL FOUNDATION FOR METAPHYSICS 形而上学的批判性基础 Having sket...
Three Absolute Idealism 第三章绝对观念论(3) Understood as the thesis that everything is an appe...
Three Absolute Idealism 第三章绝对观念论(2) With what then does philosophy begin? With a very s...
Five The Realm of Spirit 第五章精神的领域 LIFE AND SPIRIT 生命和精神 We saw in the last chapter that...
Four The Organic Worldview(2) 第四章有机世界观(2) THE KANTIAN LEGACY AND CHALLENGE 康德的遗产与挑战 Pri...
Four The Organic Worldview(1) 第四章有机世界观(1) THE ORGANIC DIMENSION 有机的维度 One of the first i...
问:阅读英文版A.V.Miller 的黑格尔精神现象学有什么要注意的吗? 答:阅读A.V. Miller翻译的黑格尔《精神现象学》(*Phenomenology of Spi...
问:阅读黑格尔精神现象学可能有的具体收获是什么,有没有案例? (经过深度思考) 阅读黑格尔的《精神现象学》虽然艰深,但一旦突破抽象表述的屏障,其思想对个人认知、社会理解甚至现...
问:怎样阅读黑格尔的精神现象学会比较有所收获? 答:(已深度思考(≧ω≦))阅读黑格尔的《精神现象学》是一项极具挑战性的任务,但若能掌握方法,逐步深入,也能收获对哲学、自我意...
The source of everything 万物之源 The origins of Western philosophy lie in the ideas of the...
FOUNDATIONS\ 基础 In the beginning, philosophy was the same as science. Philosophers lo...