See through distractions Pro PIMD Repeat until understanding. write script for presenta...

See through distractions Pro PIMD Repeat until understanding. write script for presenta...
quantum dots~artificial atoms, large molecules or small pieces of bulk quantum dots ban...
Less ditraction, more focused.
老是按不到键怎么办 按标准指法联系 唯手熟尔 鼠标老是飘怎么办 尽量小幅度移动 风行 输出型 躲过第一轮魔法爆发 如果队友还没死 开始收割
7.1.1 Propagator Definition Too describe the propagation event from the probability lan...
Why Tex Professional typesetting tool. Exported to PDF. Demand of formal writing Highly...
OEC H2O-> O2 NQE proton or H Mn valence alters rate exp ~ energy barrier from DFT almos...
Emotion reaction In late afternoon I had some discord with her and I managed to stick t...
今天玩了两局: 骨法线上压人很厉害,射程远,还有1技能(但不太好放,施法距离短,前摇长;因为是个AOE,所以可以就射走位选好释放点),还可以虚无打断补刀。前中期推塔很厉害。后...
States Focus on my thing. Softness with HXM. Be humble with friends. Pro - python initi...
再忙也要坚持计划和审视 求职心态 紧张和心虚 踏实做事 不甘和彷徨 我很乐意做科研
State Wanted to clear my life Pro Started surface polaron Sup Eat craps
State Tried focusing in front of distractions. Pro Being afraid just make simple things...
好久没玩 操作迟钝 按键 要稳,手指必须分开;要准,手指必须分区。QWER ASDF ZXCV分别对应小、无名、中、食指一般这三行字母键盘有错位,移动手指时要有意识往左前、右...
Mr.C/文 古人云:书山有路勤为径 学海无涯苦作舟 。 注:一般标榜着 “ XX天学会XX”、“ XX 分钟了解XX”的文章都不会是让你增长功力的文章,如本文。 随着互联...
2016-10-9 Resisted distractions reflects the value of the thing. Distractions sister po...
ZLL layer distance orbital by energy level adsorption induced interlayer states the ori...