小序:当恒星远去,不要畏惧越来越长的夜晚,黑夜越漫长,黎明越光亮。 恒星远去 树叶上落的光愈发古老 直到,被西方的海面吞没 金色的羽毛散落 黑色的尘土 长夜 山的白发寸寸...
小序:当恒星远去,不要畏惧越来越长的夜晚,黑夜越漫长,黎明越光亮。 恒星远去 树叶上落的光愈发古老 直到,被西方的海面吞没 金色的羽毛散落 黑色的尘土 长夜 山的白发寸寸...
看一部好电影,品味百味人生。 我是书友杂货铺,每天不定时分享有趣的电影和具有哲思的电影。 1.《飞越疯人院》 这部电影触动心灵,相信看过后,会有深深的感慨。 逃出心灵的枷锁和...
思念就像一棵树,长在异乡的月里,长在落雨的夜里,长在你翻过的书页里。 秋天是个适合思念的季节,浓重的秋渗透进枯败的叶,重重的落在树的脚下,这时候就在想,故乡的...
贴门神Stick door god The door god, the God of the door keeper, is a kind of painting paste...
中国结 Chinese Knot Chinese knot has a long and profound cultural heritage in history. It ...
人生第一次收到了打赏!今天是我日更的第189天,没想到收到了一位简友的打赏! 好开心呀,头一次在简书上收到了简友的打赏,在此由衷的感谢这位“大姐姐”,嘿嘿。 我也不知道哪篇日更会得到大家的关注,阅...
孝道Filial piety Chinese traditional filial piety culture is a complex concept with rich ...
Shadow play is an ancient traditional Chinese folk art, also known as "shadow play" or ...
Chinese kung fu Kung Fu is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation, the...
篆刻Seal cutting The art of seal cutting is a combination of calligraphy and engraving to...
京戏脸谱 Facial makeup is a painting on the faces of Chinese opera actors, which is used fo...
英语‖中国传统文化-云锦cloud-pattern brocade云锦 Nanjing cloud brocade is a traditional Chinese silk handicraft,...
英语‖中国传统文化-围棋围棋Go Go originated in China. 围棋起源于中国。 It is said that it was created by Emperor Yao. 据说...
cloud-pattern brocade云锦 Nanjing cloud brocade is a traditional Chinese silk handicraft,...
围棋Go Go originated in China. 围棋起源于中国。 It is said that it was created by Emperor Yao. 据说...