Learn the distinguishing language features of OC They differ substantially in their han...

Learn the distinguishing language features of OC They differ substantially in their han...
Familiarize yourself with OC syntax. Write some classes and properties from scratch In ...
Master how to write and call methods in OC. Build a functional game. 1.Method Definitio...
1~4:Terminal中输入命令subl打开Sublime Text5:Sublime Text安装Swift包6:配置Git的文本编辑为Sublime Text 1.下载...
1.OC特性 (1)OC方法:对象方法(-),类方法(+) 1.对象方法:-(returnType)initWithString:(NSString *)string; 2....
6.OC 手动内存管理 OC 内存管理原则: 只要使用 alloc, new, copy, mutableCopy, retain 开头的方法将一个对象的地址赋给一个指针变量...
11.self 和 super self代表一个指针,super是一个编译器指示符,self 和 super 都指向的都是相同的消息接收者,super通常代表父类,self通...
15. 数据持久化 数据持久化方式: plist:属性列表plist 文件的常见操作 NSUserDefaults (用户偏好设置)基本操作 归档和解档基本操作 在解档的时候...
extern :可置于变量或者函数前,以表示变量或者函数的定义在别的文件中。提示编译器遇到此变量或函数时,在其它模块中寻找其定义,另外,extern也可用来进行链接指定。 i...
%@:object's description %d :short,int,---- decimal(十进制)(整数)%ld: long%lu:unsigned long %...
[006] SQLiteMay you do good and not evil.May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.M...
May you do good and not evil.May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.M...
我望着你的一双眼睛 在我是个孩子而且很好的时候。 你的双手抚爱着我 给了我一个甜蜜的吻。 (钟表走着同一个节拍, 夜晚缀着同一群星星。) 我的心开放了 犹如一朵花在天空下面,...
Chapter13~26:OC Basic - <Objective-C Programming>Another attribute that you will see shortly is copy. Practically speaking, whenever you...
Another attribute that you will see shortly is copy. Practically speaking, whenever you...
NSTimer使用事项1.将NSTimer加入NSRunLoopCommonModes避免与主Runloop竞争 两个Runloop: NSDefaultRunLoopMode: 用于UI的渲染 ...
1.将NSTimer加入NSRunLoopCommonModes避免与主Runloop竞争 两个Runloop: NSDefaultRunLoopMode: 用于UI的渲染 ...
UIAlertView 以及 UIAlertController1.两者主要区别 UIAlertView可以在任意class中调用[alertView show]; UIAlertController只能在ViewContrller中调用...