1. Fall has always been my favorite season. 秋天永远是我最爱的季节 The time when everying bursts w...

1. Fall has always been my favorite season. 秋天永远是我最爱的季节 The time when everying bursts w...
1. Don't tell anybody what your next move is. 不要告诉任何人你接下来要干什么 Just do it and shock them...
1. My wish about life is actually very simple. 我对生活的愿望很简单 don't expect a surprise. 不希望有...
白银市高一期末联考思想政治试卷分析报告 一.试题评价: 试题总体看来,体现了“重点考查课本的基础知识,基本技能的掌握程度和综合运用能力。”紧扣教材,既考查学生对基础知识,基本...
1. Start 开始 Start now. 就从此刻开始 Start where you are. 从你现在的位置开始 S...
1. Those times when you get up early and you work hard. 那些你很早爬起来努力的时光 Those times when ...
1. All grow—ups were once children. 所有的大人曾经都是孩子 although few of them remember it. 可惜很少有...
卷六的完形填空给了一个建议:凡事都要有“B计划”,备“万一”之时作A计划的替代,因为凡事都有“人力不可控因素”,B计划相当于“防弹背心”,江湖行走,有备无患。 B计划不是另起...
1. There's a different between giving up and letting go. 放弃和放手是有区别的 Giving up is sacrif...