见过 哈哈哈哈 你猜
见过 哈哈哈哈 你猜
Yesterday on my way to work, I saw many students walking towards school with a bunch of...
20180702 存在主义,可以追溯到每一个曾对任何事感到过不满,叛逆和格格不入的人。 海德格尔称,要去问那个最重要的问题—存在的问题。要是你不问这些,你就是什么也得不到。他...
就在一小时之前,我称今天的动车经历为倒了“血霉”,埋怨生理期导致了我的笨拙。 事情的经过是这样,我买了两张火车票,从三门出发,由宁波中转到上海。平日会买直达...
@Checkingout 什么行业都有不敬业的,医生肯定也一样。但想想他们的工作强度,有时候也很难去特别怨他们,终究还是要大环境改善,医生才能有精力提高服务。看病难看病糟心,的确是让人尴尬的问题。
Went to see a doctorI thought it was lucky that no waiting line here as we entered the doctor's office. "Hi...
Went to see a doctorI thought it was lucky that no waiting line here as we entered the doctor's office. "Hi...
You got me interested in Ni Ping's book, consider to buy it. By the way, it's a good story of your grandma, I'm touched.
The Old GenerationTears just can't help running out of my eyes in past few days because of "Grandma's Wis...
Tears just can't help running out of my eyes in past few days because of "Grandma's Wis...
"Betty got sick seriously, I am gonna go to hospital to see her this Friday." YY sent m...
Life is such life, Full of ups and downs, Full of tears and hardships. You can’t ask ev...
Some people may feel lonely when they are alone. They just can't be with themselves. An...
这几天,Sir沉迷一部国产剧。 因为两个人—— 何冰和郝蕾。 可以说是演员中的顶配了,光看这两个人表演,就有种话剧般的享受。 但这部剧的名字,可能会吓跑一大票人。 接好了——...