前几天跟同学聊天,他说现在的中考分数是650分,而考655分的就有五百多个,当我听完之后,我说你是在开玩笑吗?她说不信你到网上去查。 我立刻跑到某音APP上去查询了一下,发现...

前几天跟同学聊天,他说现在的中考分数是650分,而考655分的就有五百多个,当我听完之后,我说你是在开玩笑吗?她说不信你到网上去查。 我立刻跑到某音APP上去查询了一下,发现...
In this world, people are destined to suffer plenty of wrongs. 人生在世,注定要受许多委屈。 The more ...
我一直都挺爱小说的,要真的说起来经历,可能初中的时候就写了。 那个时候看花火,我特别着迷。 看着看着,就想写,于是用完的作业本,翻过来,就成了我写小说的废本子,开始一页一页的...
PLANET EARTH Mountains A day in a Gelado's life reveals how they've risen to the challe...
PLANET EARTH From Pole to Pole A polar bear stirs. She has been in her den the whole wi...
Happiness will always come. You are trying, and so does happiness, he's also trying to ...
There's a voice that calls to some of us From somewhere deep inside A voice that will n...
I will accompany you for a long time not because I want to, but because I will. —— Mayb...
今天晚上8:48分,我收到了杭州市教育考试院的短信通知,儿子的中考成绩出来了。 儿子成绩超出了全家人的预估,可以说这次成绩几乎是他初中三年考的最好的一次。 满分600,他考了...