everything pron. /ˈevriθɪŋ/ (with a singular verb与单数动词连用) 1. all things每件事;所有事物;一切 •Ev...

everything pron. /ˈevriθɪŋ/ (with a singular verb与单数动词连用) 1. all things每件事;所有事物;一切 •Ev...
early /ˈɜːli/ earlier, earliest adj. 1. near the beginning of a period of time, an ev...
decide v. /dɪˈsaɪd/decides, deciding, decided, decided 1. ~ (between A and B) ~ (again...
could /kəd/ 重读/kʊd/情态动词 否定:could not =couldn't/ˈkʊdnt/ 1. used as the past tense of‘ca...
car n. /kɑː(r)/ cars (alsoBrEˈmotor car)(NAmEalsoautomobile) 1. a road vehicle with an...
bow /baʊ/vbows, bowing, bowed, bowed 1. [~ (down) (to/before sb/sth) to move your head ...
believev. /bɪˈliːv/believes, believing, believed, believed (not used in the progressive...
at prep./ət/ /æt/ 1.used to say where sth/sb is or where sth happens在(某处) •at the corn...
anything pron. /ˈeniθɪŋ/ 1.used instead ofsomethingin negative sentences and in quest...
airport n. /ˈeəpɔːt/ a place where planes land and take off and that has buildings for...
打算整理这本小书,来自自己多年学习英语和困境和曙光。 记得上学时的英语学习,无非是老师讲知识点,学生们在下面疯狂记笔记,记的是什么呢,词性,释义,固定搭配,常用短语。对单词使...
able adj. intelligent; good at sth有才智的;有才能的;(某方面)擅长的 •the ablest student in the class班上...
开学大四,大学生活已经快落幕了,前三年的时间里,我一直在坚持写作这件事情。 写作这回事,天资聪颖的人是少数,多数人靠勤能补拙,一步一个脚印走过来。 我资质一般,从初中开始喜欢...
慕名拜读鼎鼎大名的007系列原著,第一本Casino Royale,Dan Stevens 朗读版。 跟电影中仿佛全知全能的007不同,原著中的邦德虽然依然是令人敬佩的硬汉,...
时长:2.3H 适合人群:同上一篇一样,大学生以上人群、英语基础不错、对文学/诗歌感兴趣、有闲暇时间、喜欢阅读陶冶情操的群体。 不是很推荐中小学生,但热爱戏剧诗歌并有志于向这...
会十几种语言的外语大牛Steve Kaufmann曾说,外语学习的关键就三点:多听,多读,积累单词。利用这个方法,他几乎每一门语言都能在半年到一年间达到流利水准,去到相应语言...