转自:微信公众号:四川拾荒匠 原标题:就在军车被强收费真相:霸道收费员遇上的记者竟这样! 俗话说:“山外有山,人外有人。” 黄龙机场停车场一位“霸道”收费员怎么也想不到,自己...
@缘蓝 英译汉
翻译练习《小王子》Day26he Little Prince Day26 Then one morning, exactly at sunrise, she suddenly showed hersel...
he Little Prince Day26 Then one morning, exactly at sunrise, she suddenly showed hersel...
@不早睡会肚子饿 不客气哈,加油!
翻译练习《小王子》Day21The Little Prince Day21 He looked at me there , with my hammer in my hand ,my fingers b...
基本全都是生词,心塞。 The Little Prince Day25 The shrub soon stopped growing, and began to get re...
@Crazy麻麻 加油,你可以的。
翻译练习《小王子》Day24I soon learned to know this flower better. On the little prince’s planet the flowers ha...