1、能在一定位置上的人,一定有他的过人之处,不管你多么讨厌他。 2、要想屏蔽某些人的朋友圈,最好把同事微信分到一个组里,要屏蔽一起都屏蔽了。 3、不要总在旁人面前提你的朋友多...
2018年的最后一天,以读书和看《西南联大》记录片结束。“Make the most of everyday”是片中的一句访谈,听到此处突然泪目:过好生命中的每一天,让时间见...
人有三样东西是无法隐瞒的,咳嗽,穷困和爱,你想隐瞒越欲盖弥彰。 人有三样东西是不该挥霍的,身体,金钱和爱,你想挥霍却得不偿失。 人有三样东西是无法挽留的,时间,生命和爱,你想...
我很高兴英语的兴趣能支持我在这里生活,为梦想而奋斗。 这原话到底是出致哪位牛人
Review of WhiplashI've reserved Whiplash after viewing the high comments from ZhiHu for a long time. Thou...
An unexpected tripI heard QiuXian Mountain from my dorm mates last night. I decided to climb the mountain...
Best wishes for GuoChuanI didn't know him until this bad news came to me, though he is China's best known sailo...
No Man Is An IslandI begin going ahead with renewed vigour after fighting against a demon called self-appr...