准确性练习9--经济专题 1.The index of leading economic indicators fell 0.3% in May. In the same m...

准确性练习9--经济专题 1.The index of leading economic indicators fell 0.3% in May. In the same m...
准确性练习9--经济专题 1.The index of leading economic indicators fell 0.3% in May. In the same m...
准确性练习8 1.Clinton has strongly defended those practices and blamed excesses on the money...
准确性练习8 1.Clinton has strongly defended those practices and blamed excesses on the mone...
准确性练习 1.China and Russia vetoed a U.N. resolution on February 4 that would have backed ...
准确性练习 1.China and Russia vetoed a U.N. resolution on February 4 that would have backed ...
1.For the Palestinians, it implies settling for something less than full sovereignty. 对...
1.For the Palestinians, it implies settling for something less than full sovereignty. 对...
1、We cannotlegallyconclude a peace treaty with Japan. 我们不能依据法律同日本缔结和平条约。 如果我们同日本缔结一项和约,...
1.Nevertheless, the EU representative’s speech was at leastclearindefininginternational...
1.Four Israeli soldiers have been killed by Hamas in the last fortnight at the approach...
1.The government introduced price rises andcutsubsidies. 政府采用了提高物价和削减补贴的政策。 政府提高了物价并削减补...
1、We cannot legally conclude a peace treaty with Japan. 我们不能依据法律同日本缔结和平条约。 2、They are n...
1. Moscow radio said Russia had lived up to its end of the Khrushchev-Kennedy agreement...