Introduction This plugin lets you create items that allow actor growth upon leveling up...
Introduction When setting events to have a stepping animation, RPG Maker MV would anima...
Introduction This plugin requires YEP_MainMenuManager. Make sure this plugin is located...
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Introduction Script Calls, whether they're for setting variables, conditional branches,...
Introduction For those using complex eventing systems utilizing Labels and Common Event...
IntroductionThe Input Number event in RPG Maker requires players to scroll through each...
Introduction This plugin requires YEP_EnemyLevels. Make sure this plugin is located und...
Introduction This plugin requires YEP_ShopMenuCore. Make sure this plugin is located un...
Ever wanted to have shop prices for certain items fluctuate as your game progresses? Or...
Test playing your game can be quite time consuming. Each second you spend on the title ...
Weather does not appear in battles in RPG Maker MV by default. This causes a disconnect...
RPG Maker MV automatically has shadows coming from certain wall tiles. There is no way ...
Pressing characters one by one for Name Input can be slow and tedious. This plugin allo...
Ever wanted to be able to click an event and just trigger it immediately without having...
RPG Maker MV – GENE 70¥ 推荐程度:♥♥♥♡♡ 三颗星 素材数量:1个使用工具 Steam说明: 简单易上手的事件场景生成器GENE 是一款 RPG M...
Introduction Events usually have a 1×1 tile-large hitbox. However, in some cases, you’d...
RPG Maker MV – Team Fortress 2 Character Pack 0¥ 推荐程度:♥♡♡♡♡ 一颗星 素材数量:54个人物行走图+18个人物立绘 ...