广州亚太创新研究院英语翻译实习生 https://mp.weixin.qq....
single wonderful marry with visit flatter beauty polite society sy better ignorant inte...
Our culture strongly inclines us to the view that genuine love must involve complete ac...
国际 The US will move its embassy operations in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on Mond...
1 guffaw laugh till tears roll down ones cheeks 2 scotch the rumors 3 benign or maligna...
终于写完第二部长篇小说,70万字。更新完最后一章,有欣喜与感动,也有失落和不舍。嘴角翘起,眼眶却微潮,心中五味杂陈。 这部小说从动笔到完结,前前后后7个月时间。这是一段挺长的...
可我觉得感情这回事,有时候不能分的那么清楚,爱情里总要有人付出,如果我们说要有定力,那凭什么要求对方一味的付出呢?所以,有定力是好事,可偶尔也要放下所谓的定力,没有人可以一直对着一个冷冰冰的人宣示他的爱意,我们都要学会为对方付出。 【听力】苹果CEO库克2018年杜克大学毕业典礼演讲 I’ve learn...
Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 This Law is enacted in order to improve the labo...
Imagine waking up in the middle of the night, being fully conscious, then realizing you...
Native to the North American tundra and northern Russia, this animal burrows (打地洞)benea...