Hello everyone! I am a student in Grade Six.I am a thirteen-year-old girl.I'm differ...

Hello everyone! I am a student in Grade Six.I am a thirteen-year-old girl.I'm differ...
抗日战争时期,有一个生活在白洋淀鬼不林村的小孩——张嘎。他梦想成为八路军,得到一支属于自己的真枪。 嘎子的奶奶为了保护八路军老钟牺牲了,嘎子想为奶奶报仇,只身...
大白是条狗。 是老妈为了解闷儿,当然,也为了看家护院,让儿子给她买的一条京巴。这并不奇怪,但当她站在自家院子门口喊‘大白~’的时候,你就可以看见令人瞠目结...
在中国的传统节日中,我最喜欢的就是元宵节。在元宵节中,我最喜欢的活动就是闹花灯啦! 每次到元宵节,我就会和爸爸妈妈一起出门去看花灯。我问妈妈:“为什么到了元宵节一定要...
Today is Friday.It's cloudy today.It's the school open day today.My father came to my...
生活中有许许多多幸福,有的或许被人遗忘,而有一件事让我至今记忆犹新。每次想到这件事,我的心中充满了幸福。 窗外阳光明媚,太阳温暖地照进房间内,使地板变得金光闪闪...
I have a dream bedroom.There are many green plants in the bedroom. On the wall there...
I have a pet dog.His name is Mark.He is two years old now.He is a small yellow dog.H...
My hometown is a small village in Fujian province.There is a river near the village.I...
初一糕,初二粽,初三螺,初四爱,初五八龙船。每当唱起这首歌谣,我就会想起家乡的端午节。 每当初五这天,我和姐姐都会跨上篮子去外面采艾草,据说能赈灾辟邪。而妈妈则...
有人说寒假是忙碌的,有人说寒假是悠闲的,有人说寒假是惬意的,而我说寒假是丰富多彩的。 寒假里,我化身小小书虫,一天到晚窝在书堆里。在三国演义里,我认识了足智多谋...
Hi everyone. My name is zhang Yao. This is my school.Look! There is a big dining ha...
My name is Li Yang.Let me show you my school.It is very big.There is a teaching buil...
There are four seasons in a year.I like spring best.There are many beautiful flowers ev...
In summer, the weather is very hot.People wear T-shirts and shorts.Girls can wear dre...
Jim will go to the museum tomorrow morning.There will be a robot show there.He will ...
Tree planting day is coming.It will be sunny on tree planting day .We will have no ...
笑容会让人感到亲近,笑容会让人感到愉悦。我就有这么一个好朋友,她那纯洁可爱白玉兰般的脸上时刻挂着笑容,很招人喜欢。 她,梳着高高的马尾辫,头上别的蓝发卡,大方...