240 发简信
  • 三月第一周复盘

    每日执行完成: 读书完成读书笔记 练字 每日一篇外刊+笔记 每天一集美剧+笔记 每天一小时口译练习 每天1000字审校任务 总结:第一周完成的很满意,每天都做到了自己的预期目...

  • 120
    On Writing Well 读后感

    附思维导图链接 https://mubu.com/doc/1ngFDVKmCQ Zinsser首先教授我们写作的原则,它们就像大厦的基石,是最基础也是最重要的环节。随后的章节...

  • OWW CH24-25

    THOUGHT 24章讲述如何给自己的人生和家庭写回忆录。 作者以他父亲晚年写的家庭回忆录为例,告诉我们不要刻意去写作,回忆录重在处理好与记忆中的体验与情感的关系,be yo...

  • OWW CH23

    THOUGHT Writing is linear and sequential, logic is the glue that holds it together, ten...

  • OWW CH22

    WORD 1.tawdry 1.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词廉价的;俗气的 If you describe something such a...

  • OWW CH21

    WORD 1.blithe ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词无忧无虑的;快乐无忧的Someone who isblitheis cheerful...

  • OWW CH20

    SUMMARY Develop one voice that readers will recognize when they hear it on the page, a ...

  • OWW CH15-19 WEEK3

    WORD AND EXPRESSION belt outinformal PHRASAL VERB If you belt out a song, you sing or p...

  • OWW CH18

    WORD AND EXPRESSION They will trot out the hard-won words of their college education......

  • OWW CH16

    WORD Information can be imparted clearly and without pomposity. 1.impart vt.to give inf...

  • OWW CH15

    WORD: 1.lug vt. to carry or drag (something heavy) Both are unnecessary fears to lug th...


    WORD AND EXPRESSION 1、get around(在英国也用get round) If you get around a rule or law, you f...

  • OWW CH14

    WORD AND EXPRESSION What we’re all looking for—what we want to see pop outof your paper...

  • OWW CH13

    WORD In a few cases you’ll need only a paragraph or two to sketch the setting of an eve...

  • OWW CH11&12

    词汇: elicit VERB 动词引起;引出If youelicita response or a reaction, you do or say something wh...