240 发简信
  • 坠落(二)


  • 坠落


  • 救赎

    题记:在这个时代,有多少人的灵魂是需要来一次救赎的呢? 盛夏的傍晚。空气中蒸腾着一股热浪,即便是日隐西山,钢筋水泥的城市却依旧热得如同一座烤炉。 虽如此,可仍有成千上万的人涌...

  • 一封给罗老师的信

    亲爱的罗老师: 展信佳,见字如面。以前总觉得现代科技让书信消失在人们的世界里非常可惜,人们再难看到一字一句总关情的笔迹,取而代之的是实时通信,总觉得有些薄情。现在倒觉得无所谓...

  • On Partner

    A beautiful sandy beach witnesses me snuggling up against his shoulder in the setting...

  • On Culture

    Culture,as the late British writer Raymond Williams wrote, is one of the two or three...

  • On Success and Failure

    Success and failure, in their essence, are the result of a certain event—passing the ...

  • On the sea

    并不是composition,是随手的翻译 In the lovely summer, I come to the coast again, in the Yantai H...

  • X and Y

    At the very first, my personal definitions of self-confidence and self-abasement come...

  • On Love

    Love! Love! Love! Does love really exist? Conclusion comes first: substantially, no...

  • On reading

    The previous question is: What exactly do we read when we talk about reading. Books...

  • On Forgiveness

    Disagree.Disagree with the fishbone theory and the freedom theory and the duty theor...

  • 120

    你清醒一点!!! 没事,我给自己提个醒,夏日午后的空气总是像理论一样勾引我低下高傲美丽的头颅然后产生一些不切实际的“幻想”——俗称睡觉。 好了! 开始! 20世纪以来,理论取...
