240 发简信
    Some sources of seniority take years to develop and run out. Some are non-renewable resources that disappear when used up. So it is limited. Resources have the ability to regenerate, but when people use more than the capacity to regenerate, there will be a shortage of resources.


    Case Study: Resources and Needs Page 4 Question 1: Describe the resources shown in Figu...

    .Q 1 oil fish vegetables cereals
    Q2 I don't agree that there are enough resources in the word. some people in the poor areas ,They are homeless and beg from others. Some people in the hot areas,most of these people don't have enough water to drink.
    The picture is one illustrates that some people even don’t have enough basic food to keep their life.However,you can see from picture2,they are more likely to enjoy food,not as the first one,they do not regard food as a necessity for survival, but as a kind of enjoyment.


    Case Study: Resources and Needs Page 4 Question 1: Describe the resources shown in Figu...

  • 共创学习2018.02.22

    Case Study: Resources and Needs Page 4 Question 1: Describe the resources shown in Figu...