Useful Expressions 1. 一周中的最好时光 highlight of the week 2. 投稿 submit articles 3. 有时...

Useful Expressions 1. 一周中的最好时光 highlight of the week 2. 投稿 submit articles 3. 有时...
translation1.It needs enormous courage to make a d eparture from the tradition 2.Tom used to be ve...
Unit1 Translation1.Making a depature from tradition requires enormous courage. 2.Tom used to be shy,but ...
3,句子开头有点儿啰嗦,但没有语法错误。后半句漏了“从小”。4,the painting 重复出现了,应该是用代词代替
2022-03-151.departure背离 enormous极大的 极大的勇气:enormous courage 背离传统美德make a departure from tradition ...
Unit1 translation1)背离传统需要极大的勇气。(departure,enormous) It takes enormous courage to make a departure from t...
1. 要使用make a departure from ;5,从句中没有谓语动词,少了are
Book2 Unit1 translation1.Departure from tradition needs enormous courage. 2.Tom used to be very shy,but this t...
★ Text A Vocabulary I. 1. 1) abrupt 2) emotional 3) bless 4) wear and tear 5) dated 6)c...
Useful Expressions 1.面临,遭遇 be confronted with 2. 仰头向上看 look up at 3.填写 fi...
Useful Expressions 1. 被系在…上 be attached to… 2. 探索行为 exploratory behavior 3. 偶尔 ...
2021-11-291.As scientists predicted,global pollution has become one of the most serious problems ...
@小朋友_50fc 如果使用more than ,就表示5+1倍
2021-11-211、global:全球的 全球污染:global pollution 正如科学家预言的那样:as is predicted by scientists 翻译:As is pr...
@陈源超 many改成that,因为替换的是number
Unit3 translation1.正如科学家预言的那样,全球污染成了人类面临的最严重的问题之一。(全球:global,预言:predicate,人类:humankind 面临:face,时态:现在完成时)...
@王曾钰 嗯嗯,对了
Unit3 translation最…之一:one of the most … 面临:face with 正如科学家预言的那样:as it is predicted by scienctists 1.As i...
2,be afraid of.3,英语中没有顿号,改成逗号。4,时态不对
Unit4 Translation1. It is reported that the United Nations mediators have worked out a project that is a...
1. It is reported that the United Nations mediators have worked out a project that is a...
复盘Unit1一、学到的重要概念: 1.标题的格式:标题的第一单词和最后一个单词要大写,中间要小写的有冠词,介词,连词,动词不定式。 2.In the process of growing...
一、学到的重要概念: 1.标题的格式:标题的第一单词和最后一个单词要大写,中间要小写的有冠词,介词,连词,动词不定式。 2.In the process of growing...
英语复盘 ----Unit 1 Growing Up 1.Growing up is full of discoveries.We can understand oursel...