一.线性表 定义:零个或者多个元素的有限序列。也就是说它得满足以下几个条件: ①该序列的数据元素是有限的。 ②如果元素有多个,除了第一个和最后一个元素之外,每个元素只有一...
一.线性表 定义:零个或者多个元素的有限序列。也就是说它得满足以下几个条件: ①该序列的数据元素是有限的。 ②如果元素有多个,除了第一个和最后一个元素之外,每个元素只有一...
On Writing Well Part 1: Principles 这部分首先引入了作者认为的核心写作原则humanity and warmth,并贯穿全书,其次分别介绍了...
Vocabulary: 1.Writers are the custodians守护者of memory 2.In his family history my father ...
Vocabulary: 1.the reader is given no chance to squirm局促不安,蠕动away. 2.But I didn’t begrud...
Vocabulary: 1.There was a small gasp倒抽气,喘气in the classroom; Americans get squeamish过分谨慎...
Vocabulary: 1.Among those blithe快乐的souls a city-desk reporter named John O’Reilly, who ...
Vocabulary: 1.The sentence is so folksy淳朴友好自然的that we imagine ourselves sitting on the ...
Summary: Science and Technology:Writing is thinking on paper.Start with one narrow fact...
Vocabulary: 1.But that would have been a sermon布道;讲道, and sermons are the death of humo...
Vocabulary: 1.They will trot out反复提the hard-won words of their college education The au...
Vocabulary: 1.If not, he might bounce into a twin killing, snuffing out扼杀 a rally and d...
Vocabulary: 1.The second paragraph, in short, is warm and personal; the other is pedant...
Vocabulary: 1.Science, demystified使...不神秘, is just another nonfiction subject. Scientif...
Summary: Bits&Pieces:Use precise verbs, adverbs andadjectives that do necessary work. A...
Vocabulary: 1.The dismal忧郁的,沮丧的truth is that it’s very hard. It was a dismal failure. 2...
Vocabulary: 1. I think we should banish驱逐,赶走,此处可为不再提及all further mention of the words ‘...
Vocabulary: 1.rankle: if sth rankles, you still remember it angrily because it upset yo...
Vocabulary: 1.This is a chapter of scraps废料and morsels碎屑—small admonitions告诫,劝告on many ...
Summary: The transaction: Two of the most important qualities on writing well:humanity ...