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  • Unit2句子翻译第二稿

    1.Halp an hour had gone by,but the lost bus hadn't come yet.We had to walk home. 2.Mary...

  • 全新版大学英语Unit 2 Unitfile

    Unit 2 Useful Expressions 完全沉浸于​​​​​​ be completely lost in 引起…的注意​​​​​ get sb.’s a...

  • unit 2 翻译练习过程

    ①Half an hour gone by,but the last bus hadn't come.We had to walk home. (时间)逝去用go by,因为...

  • 2019-11-03

    通过学习Unit.1中的课文Writing for Myself,我学习到了很多新单词和短语,其中让我最印象深刻的是“prim”这个单词,它是一个形容词,它的意思是古板的,拘...