240 发简信
  • 再见,2017

    窗外是热闹的烟花,手机里是激情的晚会,在这个周围都燃到爆的时刻,我想静静地写一些东西来纪念即将过去的2017。 在这个即将挥手告别的日子,总有人会说年初的愿望你还记得吗?那些...

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    坚持到无能为力,拼搏到感动自己! 不知道手绘能坚持多久,但我记得我答应过一个人,要手绘《想你的365天》,现在已经过去一个月了,我还在坚持,你呢?还好吗?

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    第一周 有人说,一个人忙起来,世界都是你的。 让自己忙起来,忙着工作,让界面一遍遍趋于精准;练习绘画,给自己定一个小计划,每天尽力去完成;睡前看会书,亦或者去思考明天该做的事...

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    《要事第一》:时间罗盘 让学习更有效率 工作更有动力

    1 《要事第一》是《高效能人士的七个习惯》的延伸与加强版,柯维思想的核心精髓之一。 2 我的一个学生,这两天跟我讨论时间管理的问题,让我感慨良多。在别人的眼里,我和他这样的人...

  • I have come to the end of this report, I have been very careful, I have written your innermost thoughts.
    I didn't expect you to meet very early, and almost no one could replace him in your heart.

    I remember you said that you are a rational person and that you can do things without water. But often rational people seem rational on the surface of things, but always keep the feelings in their hearts.

    Each heart is good, no longer connect, worry is always have silk silk ceaselessly memories.

    As I said, the past is a beautiful memory, we can't always live in the memory, your hero is not the memory of him in the past. Now, tomorrow, and the future, you should open your heart to the beautiful tomorrow.


    1 我是一个作家,一个出了几本书,但是没有名气的作家。 我这辈子只有一个爱人,他叫王志。 13岁的时候我就认识他了,16岁的时候我成了他的同学,18岁的时候我成了他的初恋,2...

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