一、初衷 最近在听写《Family Album U.S.A》的内容,听写了大约30节,发现自己存在两个比较严重的问题①总是听不见小词,如it/o...
本次晨读的目的: ① 掌握字母的发音及字母组合的发音, 要解决的问题是:在听写American family album 的内容时,听不明白的单...
20190218 一 发音 1.一段时间未炼口语,L和N 又傻傻分不清楚,被打回原形。┭┮﹏┭┮泪奔 2.音调上扬过多,听起来不是很舒服。 语调...
Paragraph 6①The word is used self-deprecatingly, not as a form of abuse....
①His forte, and first love, was foreign policy. ②He had been ambassador ...
Resist the temptation to “make better” instantly. Instead of giving advi...
题目:Why suicide is falling around the world, and how to bring it down mor...
How Japan's prime minister plans to cope with daunting demography 本文描述了日...
从现象级英语测试的那期晨读到这一期,已经跟着Eric 和现象级的伙伴们共同渡过了三期的晨读时间。回顾这三期的晨读,感受到了自己明显的进步。 第一...