I can't help but lose my mind from the moment I take my pen and prepare to narrate your details. I'm sorry that I didn't write out the love words, but I really miss you for an hour.

I can't help but lose my mind from the moment I take my pen and prepare to narrate your details. I'm sorry that I didn't write out the love words, but I really miss you for an hour.
文|知二 🦋 高三的时候,我羡慕很多的人。 喜欢配音与cosplay的Y,软磨硬泡了许久如愿在晚自习开了“班级晚会”,全然不顾其他人说,她怎么这么不识...
What can I hold you with? I offer you lean streets, desperate sunsets, the moon of the ...
Incompatible and sterile insect techniques combined eliminate mosquitoes https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1407-9
还有一篇 nature 讲了蚊子具有无与伦比的遗传多样性,灭绝它还是挺难的,还是多操心怎么把吸血传病的那少数几类蚊子解决吧(Genetic diversity of the African malaria vector Anopheles gambiae)
况且,全部蚊子死绝了也没想象的影响那么大,算是风险可控 Ecology: A world without mosquitoes
春鸟秋虫自作声 焦小桥 文/图 小时体弱多病,经常被逼着吃药,有时我会大口喝水,偷偷地把药握在手心里,悄悄溜出去,挖个坑埋药。然后就蹲在地上看东奔西跑的虫子。 大约...
很多网友问,如何做读书笔记? 我是一名读书写作爱好者,今年已经累计阅读了60几本书,写了40多篇读后感,我就说一下我自己写读书笔记的经验吧! 1.金句摘抄 因为写文章的缘故,...
真正的天才,是懂得在别人面前装糊涂的人。但如果他受到某种刺激,装糊涂也就没有必要了,低调惯了的人,总有一天,会一鸣惊人。 —— 韬盛和夫 大自然有一种特有的现象,自作聪明的动...