"What if you could unplug that lower part of your brain entirely and instead connect wi...

"What if you could unplug that lower part of your brain entirely and instead connect wi...
"g. Do everything in your power to help also be open-minded. Being calm and reasonable ...
"f. Be evidence-based and encourage others to be the same. Most people do not look thou...
1、你的顿悟可能只是别人的常识,你以为的极限可能只是别人的起点。 2、牢记达克效应。 3、看到积极数据之后的消极数据,显性事件背后的隐性事件。 4、一个人不可...
"d. If a number of different believable people say you are doing something wrong and yo...
既有钱又三观正,是很难得的。 李笑来就是这样一个人,他是罗辑思维"得到"专栏《通往财富自由之路》专栏第一个付费用户超过十万+且专栏留言数最多的老师。他自己早已经财富自由之后,...
"c. Get to know your blind spots. When you are closed-minded and form an opinion in an ...
最近两年自己对“付费” 和“注意力”认知有了很大改变。 凡是能用钱买来的时间就是便宜的; 凡是能用时间换来的注意力持续就是有价值的。 经历过侥幸把车停马路边被贴条,晚上绕着马...
"b. Make being open-minded a habit. The life that you will live is most simply the resu...
简介 一个神奇的文档网站生成工具 我们在做完项目的时候经常会写一些项目手册,来记录我们在项目开发过程中的一些开发流程、使用方式以及注意事项,分享给将会使用到这个项目的人,方便...
观看樊登对话麦家,始知其人。 请原谅我的孤陋寡闻,之前并不知道麦家。一则本来读书不多,仅近几年才开始涉猎文学作品。其次读得多的是海外作家作品,很遗憾国内甚少涉足。 麦家,茅盾...
"3.6 Understand how you can become radically open- minded. No matter how open-minded yo...
"7. Closed-minded people lack a deep sense of humility. Humility typically comes from a...
"5. Closed-minded people block others from speaking. If it seems like someone isn’t lea...