An Unusual Day一个不寻常的一天 Kathy usually gets up at 6:30, but this morning she didn't hear ...
1,孟小姐 前两天跟孟小姐聊天,惊叹于她的成熟理性,她知道在什么时候该干什么,将自己的生活和学业打理的井井有条,反观自己,一股自卑感瞬间奔涌而出,我属鼠,算起来今年24,...
笔记目录 Level3 Unit1 Part1 An Unusual Day & Bus Schedule Level3 Unit1 Part1 -Meeting at th...
Extinction events 2 Scientistsestimate that there have been at least 5 mass extinctions...
Body Systems he body'scirculatorysystem includes the heart and bloodvessels.人体的循环系统包括心脏...
Extinction events 1 The Earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago. 地球形成于46亿年前。 The f...