重音:secondhand 连读:the electric bill (j) 表达: overdraft 透支 银行开账户:open an account payroll 薪...

重音:secondhand 连读:the electric bill (j) 表达: overdraft 透支 银行开账户:open an account payroll 薪...
Day1: 表达积累: 1. hectic: sth is hectic e.g. My job's really hectic this time of year. // ...
untouched: not change, damaged, or affected in any way adj, 没有变化的,不受任何影响的, 在一些语境中,可以替换 ...
budding: beginning to develop or become successful adj: 崭露头角,刚刚起步的,当我们想表示新秀,新产品时就可以用到它。...
conducive: creating a situation that helps something to happen Pulling an all-nighter i...
meaning: existing or done for a good reason, and therefore acceptable 正常的,情有可原的,常用来替换 a...
central: of the greatest importance; principal or essential China's Reform and Opening ...
receptive: willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas Generally speaking, ...
ubiquitous: seeming to be in all places adj: 普遍的,无处不在的,经常可以用来替换 can be found everywhere...
tangible: real or not imaginary; able to be shown, touched or experienced adj: 真实的, 可触摸...
先来说说鸡蛋。你喜欢吃煎蛋吗?单面的还是双面的?我第一次见到 suuny-side up 单面煎蛋这个说法,是在一部很好看的电影里,当时觉得特别形象就记住了。据说还有一部歌舞...
周末终于抢到一本《美语新诠1——海外喷饭录》,今早拿到手迫不及待地读了几十页,太好玩了! 书中提到了很多地道好玩的英文表达,尤其是那些都遇到过的,倍感亲切。 比如,Let's...
accountable: responsible for the effects of your actions and willing to explain or be c...
durable: able to withstand wear, pressure, or damage; hard-wearing durable: adj “耐用的、持久...
前两天在录音大师班的活动中,我认识了酷爱扩声的牧牧,她目前在一所工科大学里读大二。在这个高端客户和行业大佬遍地如云的环境里,倒是跟牧牧聊天,让我有了一种眼前一亮的感觉。 她告...