130 slippery slope 单词释义:a bad situation or habit which, after it has started, is likely...

130 slippery slope 单词释义:a bad situation or habit which, after it has started, is likely...
129 caliber(calibre) 单词释义:the level of sone's ability, intelligence or the standard or ...
128 trademark 单词释义:sth that you wear, do , or say that typical of you n.商标,特点,标志 近义词/反义...
127 clout单词释义:the authority to make decisions, or the power to influence events.v. 猛击n....
126 tailspin单词释义:an occasion when sth or sone suddenly gests into a very bad staten. 尾巴...
125 boost单词释义:sth that gives sone more confidence, or that helps sth increase, improve,...
123 pitfall单词释义:a problem or difficulty that is likely to happen in a particular job, c...
122 the envy of (作名词使用)单词释义:to be sth that other people admire and want to have very mu...
121 exposure单词释义:the chance to experience new ideas, ways of life 不可数名词,曝光、揭发、体验、解除近义词/...
120 prompt单词释义:to cause sth to happen or be done(促使、推动、引起)近义词/反义词:=cause \lead to常用搭配:翻...
119 determine单词释义:to control what sth will be(是决定……的原因)近义词/反义词:=depend on常用搭配:determine...
118 judging by/from单词释义:used to express the reasongs why you have a particular opinion近...
fathom 单词释义:to understand sth complicated or mysteriousn. (测量水深的单位)英寻v. 透彻理解、深入理解 近义词/反...
一月完成项目 参加完一月社群早读学习英文字母的辅音部分,做完全部笔记并且完成复盘,重新整理了英语口语发音的笔记汇总内容。 完成一日一词20次 完成两次小组翻译参与两周的经济学...
100 champion 单词释义:to publicly support or defend a set of belifs, political aims, or a g...
96 persist 单词释义:to continue to exist vi. (不好的东西)继续存在、顽强坚持 近义词/反义词:=exist=remaininsist: ...
97 end up单词释义:to finally be in a particular place or situation 动词词组 到头来、最终近义词/反义词:常用搭配:...
92 sidetrack 单词释义:to direct someone away from an activity or subject toward another one...
95 concern - 单词释义:about 关于(之后不需要加介词) - 近义词/反义词:= about/on - 常用搭配:concern作为“关于”意思的时候,之后不...