The mathematics of love 爱的数学 by Hannah Fry Today I want to talk to you about the mathem...
The unheard story of David and Goliath 大卫和歌利亚的故事 by Malcolm Gladwell So I wanted to tel...
Today I'm going to talk to you about the problem of other minds.And the problem I'm goi...
Machine intelligence makes human morals more important 机器智能使人类道德更重要 by Zeynep Tufekci S...
The boiling river of the Amazon 亚马逊河的沸腾河流 by Andrés Ruzo As a boy in Lima, my grandfath...
It's the fifth time I stand on this shore,the Cuban shore, looking out at that distant ...
As a magician, I try to create images thatmake people stop and think. I also try to cha...
最近有一个词语特别火:隐形贫困人口。 很多人都觉得,天啊,这说的就是我。 这种现象为什么会发生?并不是因为这些人工作不够勤劳,所以他们穷。 相反这些隐形贫困人口,往往在现实中...
一 . 画圆并在圆上标出八等分点,用曲线连接圆心和等分点。 二 . 用曲线连接等分点和上一条曲线,注意每个连接的位置相同。 三 . 连接等分点和第二条曲线,然后涂黑。 四 ....