1. Lesson 18. 2. Font: Georgia. 美 /'dʒɔ:dʒjə/ 3. Part 1. 4. There were so many people t...
☽ 星期一:Monday(Mon.)月——[https://www.zhihu.com/search?q=%E6%9C%88%E7%81%AB%E6%B0%B4%E6%9C%...
降低bgm和人声的冲突:效果——低通; 降低响度冲突:基本声音——回避;
part 1 2. He lived abroad for many years, he knows several foreign languages. 3. His se...
prat 1 1. He is a man of absolute honesty. 2. The Ford company has agencies all over th...
js 替換字符串中的字符https://www.w3school.com.cn/jsref/jsref_replace.asp[https://www.w3school.co...
20230616. slog2的文件会以为太灰,对比度和颜色鲜艳度不够而无法识别 1.导入有特征的对象移动视频【比如航拍视频】 2.点击效果和预设,搜索摄像机,找到透视中的3...
http://www.kekenet.com/broadcast/202305/672383.shtml the global market prices of greens...
Improve your writing with Grammarly's communication assistance—including spell check, g...
summary of differences 差异总结 Learning 学得 Acquisition 习得,获得 Artificial 人为的 Natural 自然的 Te...
tán betio̍hsu-su-liām-liāmtsuè-āu zitiunnphue 等袂著思思念念最后一张批 kánghó e san-bîng-hái-sè m t...
发音词典 https://twblg.dict.edu.tw/holodict_new/default.jsp 罗马字发音 https://tailo.moe.edu.tw/...
guásiong-sìntsóng-ūit-kangē-tànghōolánhiàm tshutlán emiâ-jī 我相信 總有一工會當予咱喊出咱的名字 siūnntio...
https://twblg.dict.edu.tw/holodict_new/default.jsp 大都會的 Ta-Do Huē-ê(连) 頭家(老板) Thâu-Ke...
Language acquisition does not require extensive use of conscious grammatical rules and ...
先天知识:没有源头,无需经验,不可追溯。 “先天”(a priori)指的是逻辑上在先的。 本质是一种生物进化的属性,西方人把它们叫做上帝预设的禀赋。所谓的先天知识是指人类拥...