昨天中午发文说觉得提现很慢,然后晚上就到账了。也算可喜可贺吧,大概提现总花费时间为三天零三小时。 第一笔简书变现的钱,值得纪念。虽然不多,但吃顿工作餐,再点杯咖啡,是完全够的...

昨天中午发文说觉得提现很慢,然后晚上就到账了。也算可喜可贺吧,大概提现总花费时间为三天零三小时。 第一笔简书变现的钱,值得纪念。虽然不多,但吃顿工作餐,再点杯咖啡,是完全够的...
When you talk to people: 1. begin with praise and honest appreciation. 2. you are inter...
If I do something wrong, I admit immediately and emphatically being honest and sincere....
1. try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view. 2. be sympathetic ...
1. Respect the other person's opinion. Never say, "You are wrong" 2. if you are wrong a...
1. Don't criticize, condemn or complain 2. Give honest, sincere, appreciate 3. Arouse i...