Text inputs Two-way binding. Numeric inputs In the DOM, everything is a string. That's ...
Text inputs Two-way binding. Numeric inputs In the DOM, everything is a string. That's ...
Svelte is a tool for building web applications. Like other user interface frameworks, i...
Actions are essentially element-level lifecycle functions. They're useful for things li...
DOM events You can listen to any DOM event on an element (such as click or pointermove)...
The class directive Like any other attribute, you can specify classes with a JavaScript...
In Svelte, an application is composed from one or more components. A component is a reu...
Contenteditable bindings Elements with a contenteditable="true" attribute support textC...
《天很蓝》天空中布满了风的影子很喜欢蓝色在游动 《泪珠》这一刻牙齿成为羽毛在深渊以一个轻吻的方式 《回音》闪光的语言陷进剧跳在隐秘的角落延宕
今天我们学做一道家常的手撕包菜。 首先,我们准备一个正经的包菜,用刀拍它几下,这样包菜叶子就很容易剥下来。然后把包菜外面的老叶子撕掉不要了,为什么呢?因为外面的几层叶子,都是...