去年的11月份早已经穿上了长袖,今年的冬天迟迟不肯到来, 在每年只有两季的广东,随着气候变暖,夏季被拉得更长了。这不马上就快过年了,其他地方早已入冬,广东11月份的冬季却...
去年的11月份早已经穿上了长袖,今年的冬天迟迟不肯到来, 在每年只有两季的广东,随着气候变暖,夏季被拉得更长了。这不马上就快过年了,其他地方早已入冬,广东11月份的冬季却...
银瓶山我已经爬过两次了,这次是第三次,主要目的是家人想看看山上的风景,满足他们上次没到达山顶的遗憾。 孩子们一放假就和邻居约好了第二天一起爬山,大家都特别兴奋且充满...
This weekend, the weather really was changeable. When I got up in bed and got out of ...
Recently I came back home and had lunch every day, even when the weather was very hot. ...
Every pond has ocean's breath; Every stone has the desert's shadow. So the poet said:...
Today, I just use English to write a letter, even though I don't know what I want to sa...
I have been learning English for about two years, but I didn't feel any improveme...
Recently, I have been troubled by something. The story started last year when I ha...
最近“妹妹”开始换第二颗乳牙了。第一个乳牙掉的时候她并不知道乳牙会掉这件事,有一天她在啃玉米,把牙齿啃掉了,玉米上都是血,吓得她哇哇大哭。 当第二颗牙齿要换的时候,为...
我非常想要记录这一天发生的事情,我觉得非常的有意义。 I really wanted to record this day's things that happened....
How to distribute the more rational learning time ? Xuefang is a "other family's good...
昨天晚上我突然很想吃零食,于是我拿出20元纸币给儿子去楼下小卖店买冰淇淋。我说出了我的诉求,至于他们,可以任意买一件自己喜欢的东西。然后带着妹妹就开心的跑出去了。 ...
Last night, I watched the 《老友记》,had a detail I remenber very clear. Is a phoebe took...
When I came to the company early in the morning, I argued with my colleagues. Howeve...
On July 13 th, during the summer holiday, my husband decided to go to the country. So, ...
Yesterday, I talked with my collage about why my behaviour is so strange. Then I fini...
Last Sunday, I came to Qingxi with my best friend Helen. When I arrived here, she order...
Recently no replace the article. Yeah, I don't know what I want to write, maybe my life...