However, a new Japanese study questions the usefulness of mouth-to-mouth breathing. hau...
However, a new Japanese study questions the usefulness of mouth-to-mouth breathing. hau...
The heart stops pumping blood,The person stops breathing. ðə hɑrt stɑps ˈpʌmpɪŋ blʌd. ð...
今天已经是新概念英语朗读持续行动第35天了。发现自己发音问题还是很多,不过经过一个多月的学习,辩音能力和发音也有了显著的提升。 1.比较的重要性 过去大部分时间不够沉浸,模仿...
lesson24 it could be.worse 任务配置:五项全能 点评:@Bella-江苏-教育 你好,整体读得很棒,除了David说的错误外,我听出了losing的...
Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and...