240 发简信
  • 2020跨境电商怎么做?

    其实跨境电商从2013年就开始,你到了现在才来了解如何做跨境电商,稍微有点晚,但是一点也不迟到,为啥? 首先要明白,跨境电商分2个方向,一个是出口跨境电商,一个是进口跨境电商...

  • 120
    Ionic3 导航分析


  • 120

    有较长时间没有用Ionic了,见新的公众号需求比较简单,便决定使用Ionic4来实现。 其实,Ionic2和Ionic3的差别不大,而ionic4则变化比较大了,它支持ang...

  • 求破!


    说明 2018-02-26修改说明 由于ionic3-jpush插件在设置别名时出错,所以修改ionic3-jpush插件为@jiguang-ionic/jpush插件 20...

  • 已经安装过:ionic cordova plugin add jpush-phonegap-plugin --variable APP_KEY=11223344


    说明 2018-02-26修改说明 由于ionic3-jpush插件在设置别名时出错,所以修改ionic3-jpush插件为@jiguang-ionic/jpush插件 20...

  • [12:19:52] console.warn: Native: tried calling BackgroundMode.enable, but the BackgroundMode plugin is not installed.
    [12:19:52] console.warn: Install the BackgroundMode plugin: 'ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-background-mode'
    [12:19:53] console.log: ionViewDidLoad
    [12:19:53] console.log: deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds.
    [12:19:53] console.log: Channel not fired: onDOMContentLoaded
    [12:19:53] console.warn: Ionic Native: deviceready did not fire within 5000ms. This can happen when plugins are in an
    inconsistent state. Try removing plugins from plugins/ and reinstalling them.
    [12:19:53] console.log: Ionic Native: deviceready event fired after 8171 ms
    [12:19:53] console.warn: Native: tried calling JPush.init, but the JPush plugin is not installed.
    [12:19:53] console.warn: Install the JPush plugin: 'ionic cordova plugin add jpush-phonegap-plugin'
    [12:19:53] console.warn: Native: tried calling JPush.getUserNotificationSettings, but the JPush plugin is not
    [12:19:53] console.warn: Install the JPush plugin: 'ionic cordova plugin add jpush-phonegap-plugin'
    [12:19:53] console.error: 极光推送初始化失败 plugin_not_installed


    说明 2018-02-26修改说明 由于ionic3-jpush插件在设置别名时出错,所以修改ionic3-jpush插件为@jiguang-ionic/jpush插件 20...

  • 哥 ,能不能把你那几个Loger 等serve也开源了