240 发简信
  • 谢谢周老师对孩子们的悉心教导,也祝福童心未泯的周老师节日快乐!


    祝小朋友、大朋友“六一”快乐!天天六一,日日包甜。 Wish the children and big friends a happy June 1st! Every day...

  • 120

    祝小朋友、大朋友“六一”快乐!天天六一,日日包甜。 Wish the children and big friends a happy June 1st! Every day...

  • 《穷得只剩下快乐》之十九

    Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. 信仰是一只即使身处黑暗黎明也能触碰曙光...

  • 生日快乐,我最喜爱的老师!:cherry_blossom:


    十六 四川美术馆 谨以此送给萍儿我正月初六的生日 The horizon of life is broadened chiefly by the enlarge...