Java 静态常量与静态变量静态常量和静态变量是Java中常见的两种赋值的形式,它们的用法十分相似,那么,它们有什么区别呢?让我们来分析一下。1.静态变量Java创建一个静态变量的方式如下: 创建的方式...
声明:原创作品,转载请注明出处https://www.jianshu.com/p/afe090b2e19c 建造者模式是日常开发中比较常见的设计模式,它的主要作用就是将复杂事...
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DAENERYS 丹妮莉丝 The land was red and dead and parched, and good wood was hard to come by...
CATELYN 凯特琳 It seemed a thousand years ago that Catelyn Stark had carried her infant s...
JON 琼恩 The mare whickered softly as Jon Snow tightened the cinch. “Easy, sweet lady,” ...
TYRION 69 提利昂 They have my son,” Tywin Lannister said. “我儿子在他们手上。”泰温·兰尼斯特说。 “They do, m...
DAENERYS 68 丹妮莉丝 Wings shadowed her fever dreams. 她发着高烧,噩梦连连,梦中有长了翅膀的黑影。 “You don’t wan...
SANSA 67 珊莎 In the tower room at the heart of Maegor’s Holdfast, Sansa gave herself to ...
BRAN 66 布兰 The oldest were men grown, seventeen and eighteen years from the day of thei...
ARYA 65 艾莉亚 The scent of hot bread drifting from the shops along the Street of Flour wa...
DAENERYS 64 丹妮莉丝 The flies circled Khal Drogo slowly, their wings buzzing, a low thrum ...
CATELYN 63 凯特琳 The woods were full of whispers. 林间轻响,絮绕耳际。 Moonlight winked on the tumb...