峭壁之间,镌石成佛,万龛千窟,碎自人力,疑是神功。 地质脆弱,无法雕琢,故以芳馨泥土精心塑就。一沟一壑,为执念而雕,为信仰而作。栈道云梯修建于悬崖,浅龛深窟开凿于峭壁...
As the sun rises and sets again.our visit is now finally at an end.During the past days...
We come to WashintonD.C today.As the capitalof New York,compared with the prosperity of...
because of the bad weather,we are able to stay here for one more day. but today i won't...
what iwant to say is American's children. today our host family invite us to watch our ...
There is a chinese seeing,少年不识愁滋味,爱上层楼,爱上层楼,为赋新词强说愁.It seems correct,many people think ...
第十天~第十一天-----分别?在昨天,由于我要画画,所以没有写,只能今天补了。 一切的一切,都像刚刚睡醒一样,大梦初醒。天刚刚亮,又如前天一样,去上学。 体验了一把苹果课,认识了一位超棒的小姐姐。之后就把...
Today is our last in Wood Bridge High School.The pure white snow seems to say goodbye t...
The new day starts with Stella's Wolf wolf! Today we have some special classes, and I h...
life is our best teacher.We can learn many different things in colourful life,we have t...
New York,The economic center around the world.You can see flourish at every corner. F...
The excellent day begin with a delicious breakfast . Sitting in front of the window, lo...
Whole day on the airplane....
Today is our first day for the coming USAs journey to visit our sister school. Although...
Although it’s not my first time to leave my family and travel on my own,but I’m still...