In this post, we recall the notion of a polynomial, and explain the notion of “blind ev...

In this post, we recall the notion of a polynomial, and explain the notion of “blind ev...
Constructions of zk-SNARKs involve a careful combination of several ingredients; fully ...
1. linux环境下编译、安装: 1)sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake...
1. bitcoin编译: bitcoin可以通过WSL在windows下编译、安装(当然也可以安装虚拟机或者docker后,通过x11forward 调试), 具体参考gi...
学习路径 深入理解mpt树可以按照下面的顺序 merkle-tree Trie patricia-trie Secure...
1. 根据上一篇文章的顺序分别描述,merkle tree 以树状形式将交易两两hash,最终得到root hash:主要应用有SPV 轻客户端和ZCASH 的交易加密使用。...
以太坊的矿工出块的流程,不同版本有过变更,下面基于1.7.3版本和1.8.4版本来分享 1.以太坊的通信机制: channel: 用于1发1收 发送:sampleChan<-...
1. 編寫創世塊文件: { "config": { "chainId": 10605, "homesteadBlock": 0, "eip155Block": ...