It is quite common these days for universities to open their libraries to the public; h...
It is quite common these days for universities to open their libraries to the public; h...
The car abruptly stopped in front of him. Out came Paul and Becky. Having realized what...
In recent years, an increasing number of schools have made it a requirement for student...
The Ideal Education: Some Inspirations fromLook at the Fish Look at the Fishis an accou...
Part One 承上篇 生活总是一个连续的过程,没有办法割裂开来单看哪一段,所以还是要接着2019年继续说。 申请季的抉择 从19年9月底递出第一份申请到2020年1月底收...
Part Two 启下篇 读研生活·序 教育硕士的读书沙龙和推免生的课程加餐将我的7月和8月安排得满满。没有时间喘息,就要踏上新的旅程了。 读了两本专著,Richards &...
Chinese National Language Monitoring and Research Center unveiled the top 10 media buzz...
A Probe into the Role of Onomatopoeia in Shaping the Environment in Lord of the Flies A...
收拾旧物的时候翻到了高二刚开学做的语文作业,一整页的龙飞凤舞让我不敢相信,原来这就是我送你的“见面礼”。 那时是顶着全校900多的期末名次来到高二,每天巨大的压力与烦乱的心绪...